Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This is a new blog I decided I wanted to start writing.  It has no affiliation with Hip Fire the game publisher and is not just a review of shooter games.  The title comes from the fact that I will be reviewing whatever game I am playing at the time and not just the latest and greatest.  For instance, I finally decided to give Assassin's Creed another shot after losing interest back in 2008.  So far I am loving it and I look forward to the second one.  A full review will be available once I finish it.  I welcome dissenting opinions and I would love to discuss games with anyone who is interested in posting on here, but please no rage posts or blatant hatred.  You have the right to disagree with anything I write but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it without slurs and bringing my mom into this.  She happens to be a very lovely lady thank you very much.  Here's to what I can only hope will be a good time.


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